Thanks for coming by! 

I'm an enthusiast who is very interested in the motoring world. I'm fascinated by the details that make cars great and sometimes not so much. I have some pet peeves, which will become apparent over time. I am also here to be educated and learn more. 

This place will be my record of exploration into the fascinating world of motoring! I won't be putting up the latest 'news' on here. That's not what this place is all about. I may comment on it but if you need to know the very second information is available you’re better off looking elsewhere. The posts will vary in format. The plan is there will be some writing, audio and eventually video too. The quality will suck initially, but that will get better over time. 

I hope you find this a place you want return to. Feel free to get in touch via comments, email and twitter.

Oh, and if you want someone to blame for this, discuss it with Gavin Braithwaite-Smith, without whom I wouldn’t be doing this now.